Sunday, 6 July 2014

UNIT 22 Choosing assessment activities

I think a teacher must decide how and what evaluate from students. That is why it is very important to know how to choose assessment activities.There is 2 types of assessmen:formal and informal. It is formal when we use test and examinations.It is iformal when we monitor and observe learners while they are doing ordinary classroom activities. Our decision of why type of assessment is going to be used in the classroom must be related to our uroses or reasons for assessment.Furthermore the advantages of using fomal assessment in the class are many. For instance,they are easy to mark, and are single-focus activities. But, the disadvantage is that, they focus only on the language. 

Meanwhile the advnatges of using Informal assessment is that they focus on extended activities that demostrate the ability of the students to use the langage. But, the disadvantage is that they are less ractical to mark. One exaple of an informal assessment activity is the portolio, which is inclusive, reflective, informative and develomental. Teachers must ask them the learner's profile and have assessment criteria.
To practice more about choosing assessment activities please check out the following link:

Finally, there is a video on which you will know more abot Assessment

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