Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Talking about reference resources is very important for teachers. Especially, I think that it is very important to include supplementary materials such as phonemic charts and list of irregular verbs in our lesson plans.
Phonemic charts provide students the learning of accurate pronunciation of sounds in English. They will achieve a good level of pronounciation in English if they practice the sounds at least every day. The lists of irregular verbs will help them to practice and memorize the verbs in order to develop their vocabulary.
Have a look at the Teaching English Phonemic chart on which teachers argue for and against the use of phonemic charts on the lesson.

Furthermore, the use of grammar books for learning a foreing language is based on the belief that they help learners to see what information they need about grammatical structures and help teacher with suitable ways of describing or explaining grammar. For example, I think books that are really useful are from Cambridge University Press, since they are interactive and take into account the learner's need and interest. But, nowadays the use of technology has increased a lot and there are grammar books online. For example, check out this link:

Something that I really like is the elecronic monolingual dictionaries that help teachers and students to keep improving their vocabulary. For example, the Cambridge dictionary and the Macmillan Dictionary.

There is also some suggestions for teachers that help them to chose the appropiate resources in lesson preparation, for instance:

  • Developing your own understanding of language.
  • Anticipating learners's difficulties
  • Looking for new approaches to teaching lessons and new classroom activities
  • Finding out how to use the material in your coursebook.

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