Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Learners make use of a wide range of language functions for different purposes in task and activities by the interaction between teacher and student and student to student.
For example:
- When the teacher enters a noise classroom and ask them to be quiet. Later he greets them and collect the homeworks, students use LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS such as: Greeting, Apologising, Explaining, Checking answers, Expressing surprise and doubt, etc
-When the teacher hands out a reading text and give the instructions to complete a handout, students use LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS for asking for clarifications such as: suggesting, giving reasons, etc
For further reading please check out this link:
Furthermore, the functions learners use are often the same as those used by teachers. However, teachers will tend to do more instructing than learners and learners tend to use different exponents to express the same language functions.

There is a list of links that you can check them out in order to read more about this topic

1 comment:

  1. Good summary of the unit. However, there are some very basic grammar mistakes. Read each entry again and edit all the mistakes.
