Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Teachers should use different language exponents according to the context of the lesson, the purposes and the learner's needs, age and level. So, the correct use of language in the classroom depends on our learners' profile. For instance,
-If we want to get learner's attention  when we close an activity or when we want learners to look at the board, we use short utterances such as: Stand up
-If we want to give instructions we must use imperative sentences with higher-level
-If we want to model the target language orally we can ask students to repeat the word or the grammatical structure after us.
-If we want to encourage students by giving instructions we can use language that make them feel positive about they can do and reduces their level of anxiety.
-If we want nominate students we use their names to get their attention and make them know who they are.
-If we use language to prompt we can provide them words, phrases, ideas or even time to help the learners continue to remember what to say.

Furthermore, I want to make emphasis in the use of discipline in the clasroom in order to manage the problems with it. Have a look at the video of student teaching if you want to become a good teacher who mantains discipline in the class.

This another video refers to encourage apropiate behavior in little children. I hope you enjoy watching them

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